successful life

How to find jobs in Nigeria

How to find jobs in Nigeria

Everyone of us need to work to earn and to eat to stay healthy
Things has become difficult in Nigeria for Nigerians and non Nigerians who finding jobs in Nigeria. This difficulty is more now that the inflation is approaching the roof.

Nigeria is seen as the giant of Africa, hence citizens of other countries of African continent put Nigeria first among the countries to go in search of opportunities. A poll conducted on LinkedIn by CAREER OPPORTUNITIES puts Nigeria at the first position for countries in Africa with the most opportunities yet residents are still complaining of lack of jobs in Nigeria.

It is not only citizens of Africa countries that are willing to come down to Nigeria to look for jobs, some other citizens of Asia, North America countries are looking up here for job opportunities.

But the challenge is How to find jobs in Nigeria as it seems not to be an easy search for those who are in already in Nigeria.

There are actually jobs in Nigeria but do you know how to find Jobs in Nigeria? If you don’t know how, and you are searching through the wrong way you would be jobless and your mind would always tell you that there is no job in Nigeria. We will tell you how to find jobs in Nigeria the smart way.

Searching through LinkedIn

90 percent of the Jobs posted on LinkedIn by individual LinkedIn users are either fake jobs or expired jobs.

When you apply, you just only succeeded in wasting your time, and sharing your personal information with unknown persons. Sending applications for jobs posted on LinkedIn by individuals LinkedIn users is completely not smart job search approach.

There are two reasons why these individual LinkedIn users post these fake or expired jobs;

1. The user is looking for followers and relevance. Or that the
2. The user has good intention of helping but truly unaware of the fact that the deadline for application for that particular job has passed. Meaning the job has expired.

When finding jobs in Nigeria using the LinkedIn app, your main focus should be on the Jobs posted by companies not those posted by acclaimed lone recruiters, they are all fake jobs.

Always open the page of the company recruiting and check for more details, if possible visit their website to see more about them then send your application if they are genuine from what you have gathered by visiting their page and website.

There are recruitment companies that you must also get jobs from. They recruit for top firms and smaller organizations. The three we can trust and recommend are; Jobberman, ICS outsourcing, Career opportunities. Of course they are many of them both small and big in size doing excellently well, however, we have only worked with three organizations mentioned above.

You can also monitor pages of some big and smaller organizations. Most of this organizations have human resources depart that do recruitment for the company, pay salaries, benefits among other things relating to human resources for the company.

These companies do not need external recruiters to hire staff, a department in the company, hire for the company. So follow this companies and know when they are recruiting.

View the job, look through to the down side and you will see the person who posted the job on the company page, then Message him or her like this;

Hello Jenifer Ine (put the name of the person not the name written here)

I hope you are doing well.

I saw that you are recruiting for the position of Branch manager for your company, Aidi Nigeria Ltd. I sent my application for the position few minutes ago

I am reaching out to you because, I have qualification and experience best suited for the position, if you have a limited to conclude your recruitment and may not be able to go through the many applications, I have attached my resume to this massage for your consideration.

Thanks, my utmost regards

Jokim ESE

Do you know that 80 percent of jobs are not posted online ?

This is a fact, you may want to ask, how then do companies find employees to fill the positions in the companies?

Just take your mind back to old time when there was no internet or less internet than it is in this new time. Ask yourself again, how do companies in the old time hire staff?

We said that about 80 percent of jobs are not posted online, and we meant What we said.

Companies hire through the following:
Direct offers

These methods take the 80 percent of the jobs that would have been posted online, but you don’t know it, you are still agitating that there are no Jobs in Nigeria not knowing that you all this time looked the wrong way.

The smartest and the easiest way to find jobs in Nigeria is by any of these three methods.

You can explore the three of them, number two and three are the most guaranteed, while number even though it hardly fail, may fail some times.

How to be successful

Work in France as English Language Assistant(Visa sponsored)

UNICEF Paid Internship (Visa, Travel sponsored)

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