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All You Need to Know before Volunteering to Work with United Nations

All You Need to Know before Volunteering to Work with United Nations (Benefits)

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work with United Nations as volunteer? Maybe this takes you back when United Nations’ Volunteer jobs are been advertised.

This article will give a clear insight, what it’s like working with United Nations, and live testimony of former volunteer.

Maybe you have also had double mind on whether to apply for other United Nations Jobs. And any other fear, you have had.

I had a friend whom I asked to apply for United Nations volunteer Jobs I saw online. Application was open and looking at the Criteria, he was more qualified for the eligibility and criteria state in the description. He was afraid and would consider applying maybe later.

Surprisingly, my friend later refused to apply for the Job, this notwithstanding that there are no jobs in my country.

A lot people are like that, it’s not because they don’t need a job but it’s because of the issues uncertainty and confusion about what they are going to face in the job. And more fear is that once they have entered, they have entered, to them, considering the name “United Nations” it’s a job where anyone may have to choice to resign anytime anyone wishes if the things get tougher and they seem that they can not cope.

When you apply for United Nations volunteer service jobs, you are to serve in another country entirely most of the times. Leaving your own country and community, your friends and Family to a strange land is the biggest fear why many don’t jump on United Nations opportunities.

You need to know this;

When you apply for and accepted by United Nations into their Volunteer jobs, you get all necessary support from your very first step leaving your home in your country to your first step stepping on the country of your primary assignment.

Reaching the country of your primary assignment you not left out, United Nations guilds and protects your interest from the very first day till the time the contract of your employment has elapsed and you have gone back to your country.

Going back to your country, you are still a United Nations valuable Fellow.

So Working with the United Nations as a volunteer has enormous benefits that you wouldn’t want to miss for fear. Here is a live experience, testimony of Winston Siafa, a sierra Leonean who have worked with United Nations, volunteering to serve in the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic Of Congo.

Read and learn from the live testimony of Winston Siafa, a National of Sierra Leone who participated in United Mission in Republic Congo. The Testimony in quote. READ THE LIVE TESTIMONY BELOW 

“My name is Winston Siafa, from Sierra Leone. I am one of the 316 UN Volunteers serving with the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) and now serving as a Civil Engineer in the field in Goma.

As a Civil Engineer, I support building compounds when staff has to move to new offices. Since December 2020, I have overseen the construction of 48 offices. Along with this task, I am also in charge of civil infrastructure, sanitation and environmental projects within Goma town. I provide daily reports on activities and also contribute to the results of my section.

I am proud that I have taken part in improving the well-being of communities in Northern Goma, between the Mweso-Mpeti axis. Before then, many people struggled with substandard road conditions, which made it difficult for children to go to school; farmers had to pay expensively to transport their agricultural products to big towns and cities.

With a facelift given to the road segment by connecting bridges and culverts, the community residents now enjoy shorter travel times, reduced agricultural production costs and access to better medical and health services.

Just seeing the joy and relief connecting the missing links brought to the community made me proud to be a UN Volunteer.

Currently, I am supervising a team of 35 individual contractors and militaries. This has been quite challenging as COVID-19 has drastically changed the way of working. I had to work from home for almost three months at a time when the number of COVID-19 cases started increasing alarmingly. I found it very strange as a civil engineer as my job will never be complete without site visits.

But I adapted to that new situation, trying as much as possible to maintain balance. I elaborated work plans for my team to keep them safe while ensuring the continuity of service. Also, my previous experiences in administration and staff management helped me properly run the team during the pandemic.

Serving with MONUSCO helped me manage and adapt to different cultures as I interact with multiple nationalities in a good atmosphere.  It also allowed me to develop not only as an employee but also as a good team player outside of work.

To anyone who wants to volunteer, all you need is a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love. There may be obstacles, but nothing you can’t overcome.

I am grateful to the UNV programme for the opportunity that widens my career perspective. UNV is more than a team we are a family”

So when next you see volunteer Jobs at the United Nations, do not hesitate to send in your application, you might be lucky, there are a lot benefits working with the United Nations.

These benefits are usually included in the job description of the United Nations. Apart from the benefits that United Nations offers to the Volunteers, the host firm offer more such as competitive salary, allowances, health insurances, vacations periods, recreational activities etcetera.

When you apply and work with the United  Nations as volunteer, you are technology under the employment and protection of two bodies. One the United Nations itself, two, the host firm under which you render your professional services.

So while,  the United Nations may be paying you some stipends to cover the period of the volunteer contract with the Organization, the host firm, that is now the company where you would be posted as your primary place of assignment, to render a professional services will be mandated to pay a minimum amount of money as salary or wages or allowance, or salary and allowance based on the best  interest of the relationship between United Nations and the company.

Remember the host community is also there for you and most likely to benefit a lot from the your host community.

The experience working with the United Nations is always a sweet experience.

United Nations volunteer jobs.

You can visit United Nations Career portal to volunteer for UN Jobs 

Reason you don’t get invited for interview and how to win your dream Job.

Developing Solutions Masters Scholarship at University Of Nottingham, UK

4 thoughts on “All You Need to Know before Volunteering to Work with United Nations”

  1. Pingback: Multiple Jobs at United Nations (2022 recruitment worldwide) - CAREER OPPORTUNITIES

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