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How to get invited for job interview and how to win your dream Job.

How to get invited for job interview and how to win your dream Job.

1. Reasons you don’t get invited for job interviews

2. How to become every employer’s choice.

Doesn’t it worry you a lot that after so many job applications you end up not receiving not even one email inviting you for interview for the job you applied for. Here we have detailed How to get invited for job interview and how to win your dream Job.

If you don’t get invitation for Job interviews, there is no way you are going to get close to getting hired.
It means that you have been thrown out at the first look at your application. This Article How to get invited for job interview and how to win your dream Job will be of great value.

Candidates who were invited stand chances of been employed. This means that these candidates are given opportunities to further show reasons why they should be hired for the job. At this stage, if you impress the employer, you will be employed.

For this reason, At the first stage of your job hunt the first thing you need to do is that which should make employer to invite you for an interview.

Here are the reasons why you don’t get invited for an interview.
Here are also how to be every employers choice, be invited for interview in every of your application.

Reasons you don’t get called for an interview
1. Your CV pissed the Human Resources personals off at first look. What does this mean? Your CV is so disorganize that the recruiter could not look at it the second time. It just got thrown out at first look. It could be because the information in the CV are scattered as a result, recruiter could not comprehend, it could be that your cv does not show the necessary information that shows you are qualified for the job
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2. You sent your application when deadline for applications has passed. Do you check deadline before sending job application or do you just rush to apply because the salary attached is attractive? When you send application the time that the deadline for application has reached, your application is most likely to be ignored. For this reason, you won’t be invited for interview

3. Your application was sent a bit late, not actually that deadline for applications has passed. This is really another reason you need to consider very seriously. Some recruiters start screening of application once a certain volume of applications have been received, while others wait until all applications are received.

For former recruiters, once they start screening of application once a certain volume has been received, even though, deadline has not passed, any application that comes after may not be screened. Unless there was a good reason in other to add more qualified candidates for shortlisting for interview.

4. You did not qualify yet you sent application. How would you expect to get a position that you are not qualified for? Once the recruiter looks at your cv and sees that you are not qualified, your application will be thrown out. Sometimes however, applicants may get lucky and would be invited for interview.

It has happened that, applicants have been called for interview and got the job even though they failed to meet the job requirements. An example is the story of Tony Elumelu, one of the richest men in Africa. He had said that he started by getting a job he was not qualified for to becoming a billionaire. He said luck do happen. This luck is rare however.

Don’t expect to be called for an interview for a job you are not qualified for, however, if you are called take it as been lucky and give it your best short during the interview
( you might your luck, but it rare to be called for an interview for a job you did not qualify according to your CV.)

5. You over qualify.
For instance, job specifications stated among others, 3 to 6 years experience but you have a 10 years experience, Recruiters may fear that the pay attached to the job is not enough for your experience. And that when you are underpaid you could leave the position vacant in the nearest possible time. so it’s not all the time that you should hate yourself for not getting a call for interview. It could be that you have passed the stage/level that employees of that job would be placed.

How to be every employers choice
How to impress HR and pass the interview

1. First is that, you must have a good representing CV, well formatted CV with all the information clear and well detailed. You must do every thing possible to have a good CV. Your cv is like your passport for a job, and Scholarship. Without a good CV, you would be losing a good job opportunities.

2. Second is a good composure at the interview location, good composure during the interview, good composure after the interview. So they way you carry yourself when you are set for interview matters a lot and at length contribute to your success in every interview. You must smile at every seconds, no matter the situation at home and the circumstances surrounding the interview do not frown, keep smiling face. And constantly make eye contact. Feel completely relaxed.

3. Send your application on time.
You must be ready to send an application immediately they opportunities are released. This is one good reason why you must have your CV well prepared and ready to be forwarded at a second. And you must have Cover letter template handy that you can always edit to tally with the job descriptions of the job you wish to apply.

4. Make sure that your cover Letter is well written. Also make sure that in your cv the title or Objective whatever you chose to call it, is well written. Recruiters start screening applicants from their cover letters, and their CV title/objective

5. Always check the deadline before applying for any job or Scholarship. Make sure that you obey and meet all the requirements specified in the job offer before going ahead to apply.

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6 thoughts on “How to get invited for job interview and how to win your dream Job.”

  1. Geofrey Kusemererwa

    Thanks for the guidance.

    I would like to improve on my Cover Letter and CV.

    Any support is appreciated.

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