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7 Tips on Scholarship Application in 2023

Need some Scholarship Application Smart Tips?

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College education for international students is extremely expensive, and student loan debt piles on as university students graduate. Scholarships offer either full or partial funding for students without having to loan them back. Students may find the scholarship application process quite daunting and discouraging. For most students, often completing the requirements of the scholarship application process is a challenge.

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Barack Obama Foundation scholarship to study at Columbia and Chicago Universities

7 Useful Smart Tips For Scholarship Application 


Staying prepared with these 7 steps will maximize your chances of obtaining that scholarship.


  • Manage your time well and stay organized


When applying for scholarships, effective time management is crucial especially when you have multiple applications to complete. Using a calendar or any planner of your choice, you can set schedules for gathering documents you will need for your scholarship application process.

Preparing well ahead of time gives you enough time to understand the scholarship requirements, get your reference letters ready, craft an impressive essay and review your application carefully before submitting it.

An early scholarship application helps you stay organized and increases your chances of getting awarded the scholarship you are applying for.


  • Explore all the possible options


Since there is no limit to how many scholarships you can apply for, explore all possible resources when seeking funding opportunities (people, the internet, newsletter, and university websites are a great start for your search). Don’t ignore small awards or limit yourself to a particular geography. While looking out for foreign awards, you should also consider searching for scholarships within your city.

Apply to as many scholarships as you qualify for. You will find that most scholarships have similar requirements, so your scholarship application process may become less overwhelming and time-consuming as you apply.


  • Do Proper Research

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When applying for a scholarship, a little research can go a long way. Get to find out more about the scholarship and the type of applicants they are looking for. Take your time to understand the requirements fully, and then tailor your application to fit the scholarship.

Your scholarship application should appear original and follow the stated requirements. Proper research gives you an idea of what the panel is looking for and how you can play on your strengths to present yourself as the best applicant.


  • Inform your referees early


When applying for scholarships, you may be required to provide letters of recommendation. For these applications, ensure that whoever you ask for a letter of recommendation can highlight your strengths and abilities and tailor your academic ability or personal character to present you as the best candidate for the scholarship.

As mentioned in the first tip, time management is key. To allow your referee to prepare thoughtful references, make sure you notify them at least a month before the application deadline and provide any necessary information they may need concerning your scholarship application to help them develop their letters. Also, ensure you follow up on your requests for recommendation to ensure they have been submitted.


  • Prepare an impressive essay


Application essays are one of the best ways to make your scholarship application stand out. When writing your essay, take your time to understand the essay topic and what the scholarship committee is looking for. Follow all instructions as stated when writing your essay.

Before you start your essay, organize your thoughts into various sections, and structure your ideas to be clear and flow into each other. Start with a strong introduction and use specific real-life examples where possible.

A great tip when writing your scholarship essay is to make it personal. Establish relevant connections between your personal life and the essay topic. This way, you help the scholarship committee relate to your scholarship application on a personal level.


  • Highlight your achievements


Consider your strengths, talents, passions, and life experiences that you can use to your advantage. Singing your praises goes a long way when applying for scholarships. Highlight your achievements, recognition, and any awards you’ve received relevant to the application. The goal is to make your scholarship application impressive enough, so do not underestimate your skills and abilities. Figure out what experiences will make your scholarship application stand out from the others and include them in your application.


  • Review and Refine

Yes, Yes, and Yes to this point.

Proofread your entire application carefully. Spelling and grammatical errors are easy to miss, and they reflect poorly on the quality of your application. Take advantage of writing resources like spell check to spot these errors. Read your essay aloud to get an idea of how it sounds. Review and refine your work as many times as you need to. You can have as many drafts as you need to before your final draft.

This might feel like extra work but it is a sure Smart tip for your scholarship application.

Get another set of eyes to review your application. Having someone else look through your scholarship application helps you identify errors you could have missed and suggest helpful ideas to improve your application. Also, look out for word or page limit and ensure your applications follows these guidelines.


 In conclusion, it is important to apply for scholarships carefully and be patient when completing your application. Keep trying and you will eventually receive the scholarship you desire.


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