tips to making a professional cv

Tips to make a professional CV

First impression matters a lot professional cv makes the first impression in job search. You may have heard that every time you have tried to engage in a conversation that has to do with relating with people.

Before you talk the eyes must have seen. That is the case with you seeking jobs. Before you would be given opportunity to impress recruiter with your oratory skill your CV must first be seen. Of course you are not going to be present when your CV is opened to defend why you are not having an impressive CV.

Here lies the major challenge to your career life; you have missed hundreds of opportunities to prove your worth to organization because you have not made the first impression.

How many times do we have to tell you this before you head to a career advise that would make your life better? You must have a well arranged CV and a good written cover letter.

If you can’t do this by yourself seek the services of a professional CV and cover letters writers, the fee you pay for the time they spent drafting a professional CV and cover letters for is not up to what you pay for data to watch videos on Facebook.

Of course you can always contact us for a perfect CV and cover letters. If you can draft, here are tips to drafting a professional, perfect CV for you by yourself

Here are what happen when you send your CV and cover letter for job applications.


Recruiter has nothing less than 80 job applications to review. Most of the times close to 5 thousands applications are received each time a job is advertised.

You must have read in the news that over thirty thousand (30,000) applied for NNPC, NSDC, or INEC’s job of only just one thousand (1,000) slots. Everybody is looking for a job, not only you. Even those who employed are looking for a job change a better job.

The recruiter picks 10 to 20, 100 to 500, 1000 to 5000 best arranged CVs (depending on the number of employees needed).

The recruiter has limited time to conclude the recruitment and onboard successful candidates. The recruiter cannot read all the cover letters and CVs. If you were to be in the recruiter’s position can’t read all the cover letters and CVs.

You definitely would pick few clearer, well arranged CVs and cover letters attached and do away with the majority. This scenario failed democracy, it the few that are chosen in this case.

Best arranged CVs not best CV. There is nothing like best CV at this stage in job hunting but there are best arranged CVs. We call it professional CVs. When the few clearer CV are picked recruiters or human resources department call them best CVs. The report would read ‘sir or ma, we have picked best CVs and we would be scheduling interview with the applicants…”

Best arranged CVs are those CVs that even a child can pick the relevant information at a distance look, just in seconds. That the recruiter doesn’t need to waste time studying the CV to know where important information is.

If your CV is not clear, you have been left behind when clearer few CVs are picked. Even you the most qualified for the job, you have been long pushed away.

The recruiter invites the job seekers whose CVs and cover letters he or she was able to read because of their clarities for interview.

That is why some job seekers have been jobless. The joblessness is not because you are not qualified, not because any witch care about you in your village it is because you have made the best impression with your CV

Professional CV tips

Tip 1; Font and text size.

Making choice of a good font will contribute to making your CV visible. There are hundreds of fonts to choose from. Use also moderate text size

Tip 2; Subject session

You may choose to call it subject, about or summary session. Whatever you choose to call it, make sure you write something that is very clear and short about your career direction.

Do not summarize your skills in that session thus;

A lot of people will write something like this “I am Sunday Dare, I studied business administration from the university Abuja, I have 10 years of experience with the following skills: …”

That is a bad CV summary or subject, that alone can make recruiter to discard your CV.

Write summary that’s giving career directions, e.g. “I seek to maintain a full-time position that offers me professional challenges to, leveraging my skills for organizational growth.

Am career driven, passionate and result oriented and seeking opportunity in career field where I am convinced of making positive impact on an employer organization working with an existing instruments and upholding work ethics” Do not copy but draft something similar.

Tip 3; 

Always put your experience session immediately after your summary. Some people put theirs after education session. That is not advisable. Put your experiences immediately after the summary session of your CV.

Tip 4; 

Put skills immediately after experience session before education. Majority of the CV that we have seen there is education session before skills session but that arrangements are not advised.

Tip 5; 

Make sure that you have your full address in your CV, you can decide not to put the house number but you need to put your street and the city.

Tip 6;

Make sure that you state clearly on your CV the starting month and year, the ending month and the year of each employment experience you have

Tip 7;

State clearly on your CV the starting month and the year you finished, the ending month and the year of your education. If in any case you choose not to include the starting month and year, do not skip stating your month and year of graduation.

Tip 8;

If you can speak and understand two or more languages, make sure that you list them in your CV.

Tip 9;

List only the necessary skills to your career parts. Drafting skill is very necessary for legal career part but irrelevant to driving as a career. You should know the skills relevant to your career field and learn them if you don’t already have the knowledge of them.

Tip 10;

It is not necessary to state your complete personal life such as your relationship status, your age, your gender, your faith etc.

Do not create a session for that, instead add your gender and relationship status to your first session which has your name, address phone number and email.

Tip 11;

Adding your hobbies session is not necessary. However, if you must add, state only the hobbies that are related to your career part. Example; if you are seeking employment on the area of law or legal services, add hobbies such as writing, drafting etc.

Tip 12;

Reference should only be included if you were asked for reference. If not do not include, if you must say something on reference, state that reference is available on request. So it’s here advised that you have two versions of your CV. One version that is a little bit brief and the other version that including all the sessions including your reference.

Tip 13; 

If you have undertaken courses online, no matter how irrelevant they courses seem to you, make sure to include them.

Tip 14;

You do not need to add your grade point in the higher institution unless you have an impressive grade point; first class or something so close

Keep your CV very handy, that’s available all the time to be sent out at all necessary times. Be careful how you handle your CV, treat it with care to avoid disclosing your data to data phishes.

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