2022 Global ClimaTech Startups & Digital Artists Prizes ($100,000)

This is an opportunity Pitch your idea for the COP27 and stand the chances of winning a grand prize of up to $100,000!

Egypt’s Ministries of International Cooperation, Environment and Communications and Information Technology along with the USAID, WFP, Darexaban, Google and other partners launched the ClimaTechRun to engage tech startups and digital artists in addressing climate change.

Ten lucky startups will be shortlisted for the pitching event during COP27 in November in Sharm El-Sheikh, and a public vote will take place in the second half of September to select the shortlisted digital art candidates for the best artistic expression of climate action! There will also be a special prize of $50,000 for the winning African startup!

If you feel like this is something you might be up for, we highly encourage you to apply through this link below the post

The ClimaTech Run 2022 consists of 2 main tracks:

Tech Startups Track:

This track focuses on the use of ICT in developing innovative solutions and new applications for climate action, notably in the following thematic areas: Energy, Food security and agriculture, Water management, Industry 4.0 for climate action, Urban sustainability, Mobility and transportation, or other climate resilience applications.

Eligibility Criteria for startUps:

Registered Startup operating for 2 years
Team of at least 3 members, with member’s average under 40
Sustainably driven & innovative business supported by an emerging technology
Not a spin-off or subsidiary of an existing company
Has a functional prototype or MVP (minimum viable product)

Team has good communication skills and can present their startup in English
Benefits of Applying:

● Grand Prize of $100,000
● Pitch your idea at COP27
● Be Part of the ClimaTech Global Network Programme
● Special Prizes for top African Startups of up to $50,000
Digital Art Track:
This track focuses on all digital art and media expression forms, including: Digital paintings and drawings, 3D modeling, Vector art, Animation videos, Digital Collage, Digital Photography & Photo manipulation, and the use of new media technologies for art is also encouraged.

Eligibility Criteria for Artists:

Artist must be of age 18+ at the time of applying to the competition
Artist can only present a maximum of 3 pieces per entry
The work submitted must be authentic and original
In case of winning, applicant must be able to provide valid contact details and sufficient bank information or tax forms to receive the monetary award.

Benefits of the Applicants for the COP27

Featuring top artworks at COP27
Be part of a virtual gallery for COP27 DigitalArt4Climate Collection
Top-voted digital artists will be awarded up to $5,000 for winning the competition in the first place, $3,000 for the second place and $2,000 for the third place.

Application Deadline for ClimaTechRun: September 22nd at 23:59 (GMT)

Apply Now at https://climatechrun.com/

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