GDO and HI Agricultural Entrepreneurship Fund($45,000)
The Heifer International, Global Development Organization, and Generation Africa Entrepreneurship Fund Opportunity is open to Africa Entrepreneurs in Agritech to send in their application for the price of 45,000 United States dollars .
Winners of the price fund to be announced at the Nairobi, Kenya Capital City, this September at the event of AGRF summit happening between September 6 and 10, this year, 2022.
The opportunity to compete for the fund is open to both Start-ups and businesses that have been into Agrictech for certain years.
This year’s competition is open to all Entrepreneurs of all genders from the age of 18 to 40 in all the 54 Africa countries.
The competition seek to identify and make efforts easier to Youth Investors to build resilience and overcome the challenges brought by the Covid19 pandemic.
This is by way of digital Agricultural products and services. This innovation is expected to be scale and generate means of impacting in Africa’s food system.
Winners of the grant to be supported to all through their business to able to scale in their innovations in transforming Africa’s Agricultural sector.
The 7th edition of the Pitch AgricHack is intended to invite Businesses venturing in Agriculture in Africa to pitch their ways in which they intend to bring in technological innovation in sector of Agriculture
The event in which winners will be presented with price is to be hosted by Generation Africa sponsored by Heifer International and Global Development Organization.
Eligibility Criteria FOR GDO and GA Agricultural Entrepreneurship Fund($45,000)
Applicants must be between the age of 18 years and 40 years before applying to compete for the funding at the Pitch AgricHack Competition, 2022.
The Applicants should hold Nationality of anyone of the 54 Africa Countries.
The applicants must be a founder or co-founder of the entering ventures for the competition.
And must as well be playing an active role/be at the head of activities in the venture to be presented for the competition.
Applicants are also expected to be cleared from any criminal record. Such as tax evasion, misrepresentation, financial crimes, any other crimes not listed here.
Applicants who had participated in the competition put to the final stage or winner are disqualified automatically.
Applicants must send in their application in English, any entry not made in English language may not be received or recorded
Winners Stand to Gain the Following
Only 6 Winners of the grant will be supported financially to the tone of 45,000 United States dollars each to scale and build innovation to take Agrictech in Africa to the next level up.
Winners would as well be supported in others necessary ways to build their business to power Africa Agrictech.
Winners would be announced at the AGRF event summit holding at the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi on September, 6th to 10th 2022.
Application will close on 16th of August, 2022