
Seeking Solutions: 2024 UNDP Youth4Climate Competition (US$ 30,000 Prize)

Young people are increasingly recognized for their pivotal roles in driving transformative climate action, serving as negotiators, innovators, entrepreneurs, and catalysts for change.

Despite their importance, they often encounter significant obstacles such as a lack of essential technical expertise, financial resources, and political support necessary to realize their ambitions.

In response to this challenge, the Government of Italy and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with various knowledge partners and youth constituencies, have embarked on a mission to identify, nurture, and amplify youth-led climate initiatives through the global Youth4Climate (Y4C) initiative.


Designed as an innovation challenge, the second iteration of the Y4C Call for Solutions seeks to bolster the efforts of young individuals and youth-led organizations across five key thematic areas:


This initiative serves as a platform to empower young leaders by providing them with the necessary resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to effectively address pressing climate issues.

By focusing on these thematic areas, the Y4C initiative aims to harness the ingenuity and passion of young people to drive meaningful progress towards a more sustainable and resilient future.Through collaborative efforts and strategic partnerships, the Y4C initiative endeavors to bridge the gap between young innovators and the support mechanisms required to turn their ideas into impactful solutions.

By championing youth-led initiatives, the initiative not only amplifies the voices of young people but also underscores their indispensable role in shaping a more sustainable world for generations to come.

Youth4Climate Initiative: Empowering Youth for Climate Action

The Youth4Climate initiative, a collaborative effort by UNDP and its partners, is calling for innovative youth-led solutions to address pressing environmental challenges. Successful applicants stand to receive significant support, including financial backing, mentorship, technical assistance, and opportunities for storytelling and visibility.

Support Offered:

Financial Support:

Successful applicants can receive funding of up to US$30,000 to implement or scale their proposed innovations. This funding aims to empower young innovators to turn their ideas into impactful projects.

Technical Assistance:

Selected applicants will have access to technical support to enhance their capacity in specific areas relevant to their projects. This support ensures that youth-led initiatives have the necessary expertise to succeed.


Participants will benefit from mentorship to refine and develop their proposals. Mentors will provide guidance and support throughout the project implementation process, nurturing the growth of young leaders in the field of climate action.

Storytelling Opportunities:

Successful applicants will have the chance to share their stories and experiences during upcoming events of the Youth4Climate initiative. Additionally, their projects will be showcased on the Youth4Climate Platform and UNDP’s website, amplifying their impact and inspiring others to take action.

Focus Areas for 2024:

The 2024 Call for Solutions will prioritize youth-led initiatives in five key areas:1. Climate and Environmental Literacy2. Sustainable Energy3. Food and Agriculture4. Nature Assets5. Sustainable Consumption and Production

How to Apply:


Visit the Call For Solutions 2024 Guideline and template page on the Youth4Climate Platform and register to gain access.


Download and carefully read the Guidelines Document, which provides detailed information on eligibility criteria, requirements, and deadlines.

Proposal Preparation:

Fill out the budget and workplan template provided. Additionally, prepare a 3-minute video pitching your solution following the instructions in the Call For Solutions Guidelines.


Complete your application and submit your proposal via the application platform before the deadline on 26th May.Through this comprehensive support structure, the Youth4Climate initiative aims to empower young changemakers to drive meaningful action on climate change, fostering a sustainable future for generations to come. Join us in unleashing the potential of youth-led innovation in tackling the climate crisis.

For additional details:Please visit the official website of the UNDP Youth4Climate.

Application Deadline: 26 May 2024

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