20221121 153526 - Yale Young Global Scholars Fellowship, Fully Funded

Yale Young Global Scholars Fellowship, Fully Funded

Yale Young Global Scholars Fellowship, is a Fully Funded Programme for young scholars accrose the globe selected on criteria basis

The Yale Young Global Scholars is a fully funded academy Fellowship Programme for young Scholars accrose countries of the world. This year’s Yale Young Global Scholars has opened applications portal for interested young scholars accrose the globe

Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) is one of the most globally diverse, academic summer programs in the world. The Yale young global scholars has Served over 2,000 students from 150+ countries and all 50 U.S. states, YYGS distributes over $3 Million USD in need-based financial aid to both domestic and international students.

The Yale Young Global Scholars’ curriculum is highly collaborative, exposing participating Scholars to innovative topics while facilitating student discussions shaped by international perspectives. Students have the opportunity to participate in a STEM, social sciences, humanities, or cross-disciplinary track.

The Yale Young Global Scholars is excited to return to campus and offer residential sessions for June & July the Yale Young Global Scholars have outlined policies and answered common questions on our Covid Updates for the intending participant

The YYGS will be hosting a live webinar series covering topics on admissions, financial aid, academics, and more. Meet YYGS staff, ask questions, and learn if YYGS is the right fit for you. If you are unable to attend, you can register for the webinar to receive an automatic recording after it ends.

The Yale Young Global Scholars Fellowship Programme will offer participants the following among others; Inspired minds, Global connections

Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) is an academic enrichment program for outstanding high school students from around the world. Each summer, students from over 150 countries (including all 50 U.S. states) participate in one interdisciplinary, two-week session at Yale’s historic campus. Immerse yourself in a global learning community at Yale University.

Eligibility for The Yale Young Global Scholars Fellowship

In order to apply to YYGS, applicants MUST fulfill all of the following requirements:

Be at least 16 years old by the beginning of the Fellowship Programme
Be able to participate in a rigorous academic curriculum conducted in English. Be a current high school sophomore or junior (or international equivalent).
Be a first-time participant in YYGS. If you have participated in a YYGS session during a previous summer, then you are not eligible to participate during this year’s YYGS Fellowship Programme

However, note that If you previously applied to YYGS but were not offered admission or were unable attend and you meet the eligibility criteria noted above, then you are encouraged to re-apply for this year’s YYGS  Fellowship Programme

YYGS accepts applications from all countries, and offers the opportunity for students to apply for need-based financial aid to students from all countries.

Scholarships on the Yale Young Global Scholars Fellowship Programme

To learn more about the Scholarship, you can register to view the Yale free Tuition & Financial Aid on one the Yale webinars

YYGS is able to offer a limited number of Scholarships, which are Need-Based Financial Aid packages that cover nearly full-tuition (with $50 USD contribution from family, if possible).

Please note that the majority of students who apply for need-based financial aid receive significant tuition discounts and then fundraise to cover any additional costs (including all travel costs), as only a limited number of scholarships are available each year.

In order to be considered for one of these scholarships below, you must have completed the entire online YYGS Application, including the Need-Based Financial Aid portion, before the set deadline

As part of reviewing your financial aid request, YYGS staff will automatically review whether or not you meet any of their scholarships’ eligibility requirements, and contact you when decisions are released

Young Leaders (YL) Scholarship
YL Scholarships will be awarded to selected students in the U.S. and internationally who self-identify as at least one of the following:

Black or African American (including Africa and the Caribbean)
Hispanic and/or Latino/Latina/Latinx
Members of Indigenous peoples, nations, and/or communities
The scholarship covers full tuition and travel costs for students to attend any of the YYGS sessions offered.

Application Deadlines

YYGS applications will be read and reviewed on a rolling basis. In fairness to all applicants, admissions decisions will not be made nor released until all applications from your respective applicant pool have been reviewed.

YYGS will ensure that significant need-based financial aid is available for qualified applicants who submit their applications during either applicant pool period.

We encourage students with any type of demonstrated financial need to apply for financial aid using the online YYGS application, since the Yale financial aid students qualify for partial or full-tuition packages covering up to 100% of tuition.

How to Apply for the Yale Young Global Scholars

Step 1 Review the YYGS eligibility criteria.
Step 2 Review the YYGS application required components.
Step 3 Review a PDF of a sample blank application, and start preparing to answer as many application questions as possible.
Step 4 You will need to submit contact information for a parent/guardian, teacher, and/or official at your school. Reach out to them as soon as possible to review the PDF of a sample blank application with you, and be sure to collect the information you need.

Step 5 Click apply now to start your YYGS application. Be sure to write down your email and password to access the application at a later time.
Step 6 Check the “Review” page of the application to see if you are missing any required components, and re-visit any pages that require further information.
Step 7 Once your application is complete, click on the “Review” page. Next click on the “Submit Application” button at the bottom of the page.

Contact YYGS Staff with questions as you complete the application.

For more information visit the official Global Scholars page

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