OMLA fellowship

The OMLA Fully-Funded Fellowship Program 2024: Apply Now!


Introduction to the Fully-Funded OMLA Fellowship Program 2024.

Applications for the OMLA Fellowship Program are now open! The OMLA Fellowship Program is a flagship project of NELIS, the Next Leaders’ Initiative for Sustainability. It has operated in four regions: Africa, Asia, Latin America, and MENA (Middle East and North Africa) since 2022.

The OMLA Fellowship Program is a testament to young African leaders’ boundless potential. By empowering them with knowledge, skills, and mentorship, the program is cultivating a generation of changemakers dedicated to building a more equitable and prosperous Africa. The ripple effects of this initiative are already transforming communities across the continent, and its impact is poised to grow exponentially as more young leaders join the OMLA family.

The Fellowship Program will equip one million NexGen leaders and social innovators with the required skills to lead positive and sustainable change in their regions by 2030. In 2024, they aim to train and empower at least 7,500 leaders in the four regions and support the implementation of more than 100 community projects. The OML Fellowship Program annually awards the OML Fellowship to passionate youth from the four regions.

Phases of the OMLA Fellowship Program 2024

Fellows’ Intensive Training

Fellows’ Intensive Training is the first phase, where selected young leaders receive intensive training based on the five pillars of the OML Fellowship Curriculum. These selected young leaders are referred to as Fellows.

Leadership Challenge

Fellows take on a leadership challenge to connect, inspire, and empower young leaders in their communities as they pass on their learnings and build a team. They call this second tier of young leaders Champions, and each Fellow is expected to build a team of at least 20 Champions (50 in OMLA). In this phase, Fellows will also be provided with a series of masterclasses on key sustainability topics while they lead the training with their Champions.


Fellows enter into a project implementation phase in collaboration with the team they built in Phase 2. Based on a rigorous screening process, selected fellows will be able to do their projects to innovate around key sustainability challenges in their communities with a micro-grant from NELIS. Fellows may propose themes based on what they perceive to be key social and environmental challenges in their community or country.

Graduation and OMLA Alumni Community

All Fellows and Champions who have completed the Fellowship will graduate as OML leaders and may join the global OMLA Alumni Community. They will help connect, inspire, and empower NexGen leaders around the world and gain access to the networking and empowerment opportunities provided in and through the Alumni Community.

The culmination of the OMLA Fellowship Program lies in the formation of the OMLA Alumni Community. This vibrant network serves as a lifelong platform for continued learning, collaboration, and mentorship among former Fellows, Stars, and Starlets. This alumni community fosters a spirit of collective action, ensuring that the OMLA legacy continues to shape the future of African leadership.

Benefits of the OMLA Fellowship Program

  • Develop leadership skills
  • Gain knowledge in social innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Contribute to positive social change
  • Build a network of like-minded individuals
  • Enhance employability
  • Contribute to a more equitable and prosperous Africa

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Engaged in social, environmental, or sustainability areas: Applicants must demonstrate a strong interest in and experience working in social, environmental, or sustainability-related fields. This could include volunteering, internships, or participation in relevant community initiatives.
  2. Committed to leading and mentoring other youths for positive social change: Applicants must possess a strong passion for social leadership and a commitment to mentoring and guiding other young individuals to create positive change in their communities.
  3. Passionate for sustainable and ethical action and community development: Applicants must be genuinely passionate about sustainable and ethical practices, and they must be committed to contributing to the development and growth of their communities.
  4. Willing to commit to completing the training program and have access to the Internet: Applicants must be fully committed to completing the rigorous two-month training program and must have reliable access to the Internet to participate in online sessions and resources.
  5. Age: Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 40 at the time of application. This age range ensures that the program attracts a diverse group of individuals from various backgrounds and life experiences.

How to Apply

All applications are done online via the application link given below. Interested candidates are advised to submit their applications before the deadline, which is January 20, 2024. Late applications will not be considered. Do not miss the opportunity to get on a train that will take your career to a high place. Apply Now!

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