Royal Academy

Apply Now For 2024 Royal Academy Dorfman Prize: Win £10,000!


The 2024 Royal Academy Dorfman Prize is currently accepting applications

2024 Royal Academy Dorfman Prize is currently accepting applications, Offering a platform to foster a broader understanding and appreciation of the built environment on both local and global scales. This prestigious award, sponsored by the Dorfman Foundation as the Founding Partner, along with the support of Antigone Theodorou & Stefan Bollinger, aims to recognize and celebrate innovative architectural practices and concepts that signify the future potential of architecture.

Unlike typical awards where architects nominate themselves, candidates for the Royal Academy Dorfman Prize are nominated by knowledgeable and esteemed individuals within the architectural community. This process ensures that the selection reflects a consensus among experts regarding the groundbreaking contributions and forward-thinking approaches of the recipient.

The essence of the Prize lies in its commitment to showcasing new ideas and methodologies in architecture, emphasizing experimentation and pushing the boundaries of conventional practice. It seeks to honor architects, practices, or collectives whose work exemplifies inventive ways of both constructing and conceptualizing architectural spaces.

By highlighting exemplary projects and visionary thinkers, the Royal Academy Dorfman Prize serves as a catalyst for inspiring future generations of architects and promoting dialogue within the architectural community. It underscores the importance of innovation and creativity in addressing contemporary challenges and shaping the built environment for generations to come.

Through its recognition of exceptional talent and groundbreaking work, the Prize contributes to the ongoing evolution of architectural discourse, encouraging continuous exploration and experimentation within the field. As applications open for the 2024 iteration of the Prize, architects and architectural practitioners are invited to participate in this esteemed opportunity to showcase their pioneering contributions to the field of architecture.

The benefits of participating in these awards program are significant.

Through nominations, our esteemed international jury will carefully select four finalists. These finalists will have the unique opportunity to showcase their work and ideas in public events held in London during Awards Week in October/November 2024.

Finalists will gain exposure and recognition on an international stage

Not only will finalists gain exposure and recognition on an international stage, but the ultimate winner will also receive a generous cash prize of £10,000. Additionally, nominators will receive due credit for their contributions, acknowledged within Awards materials, including prominently on the RA website.

Participation in this program offers a platform for talented individuals to gain visibility, share their achievements, and network with industry professionals. Moreover, the cash prize serves as both a reward for excellence and an incentive for continued innovation. Overall, this initiative fosters a supportive environment for the celebration and advancement of outstanding contributions in the respective fields.

For More Information:

Application Deadline: 1 March 2024.

Visit the Official Webpage of the Royal Academy Dorfman Prize

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