Free Fellowship To Apply For in 2023: Western Union Foundation Fellowship

Apply for the Western Union Foundation Fellowship today to shape your chances for a better tomorrow.

Founded in 1986, the Western Union Foundation Fellowhip is an accelerator program for refugees and displaced populations from all over the world with a passion for entrepreneurship and community leadership. This article will provide you with a thorough overview of the fellowship, emphasizing its benefits, eligibility, application process, and other important details.

This international program aims to equip these next-generation entrepreneurs and leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to improve access to economic opportunity, build useful networks and resources, and transform their communities. This is a fully-funded program thanks to the support of the Western Union Foundation and can be attended from anywhere because it is virtual.

Also, approximately $45,000 will also be provided as seed funding to select Western Union Foundation Fellows based on their progress and impact over the course of the Fellowship.

Amazing right? Let’s now delve into who is eligible for the programme.

Western Union Foundation Scholarship Eligibility

  1. You are a businessperson or a community leader from a highly marginalized community who works with refugees and people who have been forcibly displaced all over the world.
  2. You are in charge of a community project or social impact venture that is in its early stages and has a track record of success in terms of its impact, entrepreneurship, and leadership.
  3. Priority will be given to applicants who are citizens of or are employed in the following nations: United Kingdom, United States, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Uganda, and
  4. You want to improve your leadership abilities and venture impact, so you are looking for expert-led entrepreneurial training, funding opportunities, and a large mentor network.

If you fit into any or all of the above categories then this programme is tailor-made for you. It’s time to begin the application process. See below for a step-by-step guide.

Western Union Foundation Fellowship Application Process

  1. Fill out the online application; it will take you about 45 minutes to complete and has four short essay questions. Your application must be submitted by August 18, 2023, as the last day.
  2. Starting on July 7th, 2023, our admissions team will conduct a rolling review of applications. You are encouraged to submit your application early because it will be reviewed in two batches on a rolling basis. Applications received before the 28th of July will be reviewed by the 14th of August. Applications received after July 28th will be reviewed on September 7th.
  3. Candidates who meet the requirements will be invited to a 20-minute Zoom interview. On July 10th, 2023, interviews will start.
  4. We will send the best applicant profiles to our external admissions committee for final review.
  5. Midway through August, the admissions team will start sending out final acceptances and scholarship awards. 
  6. The final step in completing enrollment is to review and sign Watson’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

For more information on the dates and schedules of the programe click HERE.

Did you have questions while reading this? Then keep reading for some answered frequently asked questions.

Answered Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply if my country is not listed under the priority countries?

Yes, you can. While those who have made an impact in the listed countries will be given preference, we will consider all strong applications from entrepreneurs working to support refugee, migrant, and displaced person populations.

How selective is this program?

Each year, we receive a large number of applications and have a 3% selectivity rate for this program.

What are the eligibility requirements for seed funding?

Depending on their participation, attendance, and performance throughout the program, fellows may be eligible to receive up to $6,000 in seed funding, subject to review. In addition, a stipend is available to all Fellows to help with Basecamp implementation. 

For all other questions, please reach out to Milena Kirillova at

Ready to apply? Click HERE.

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