Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 One Young World Summit Building Tomorrow Scholarship

The 2024 One Young World Summit Building Tomorrow Scholarship, offering an immersive opportunity for young leaders to delve into the intersection of AI and sustainability under the guidance of Holcim experts.

This scholarship aims to empower five dynamic individuals who are driving change in areas crucial to sustainable development.Participants will embark on a journey through real-world case studies, virtual reality simulations, and interactive discussions, all aimed at broadening perspectives on AI’s role in fostering sustainability and urban resilience.

By engaging with Holcim’s expertise, attendees will gain valuable insights into leveraging disruptive AI technologies for sustainable construction, enhancing urban resilience through innovative solutions, and ensuring the ethical and responsible deployment of AI in urban development.Selected scholars will join Holcim’s global delegation at the One Young World Summit 2024 in Montréal (Tiohtià:ke), immersing themselves in a diverse and collaborative environment. This opportunity is particularly suited for young leaders making strides in various domains, including optimizing construction processes, mitigating environmental impact, improving disaster management systems, and fostering community engagement in urban development initiatives

The scholarship’s aims

.The scholarship aims to support projects and initiatives focused on deploying AI for sustainable construction practices, bolstering urban resilience through AI-driven solutions, and advocating for the ethical use of AI in urban development. Whether it’s optimizing energy efficiency, minimizing waste, or enhancing disaster preparedness, the Building Tomorrow Scholarship seeks to empower young leaders to drive positive change in their communities and beyond.

Eligibility Criteria and Benefits of the AI for Urban Development Scholarship

The AI for Urban Development Scholarship offers a transformative opportunity for young individuals committed to advancing sustainable urban development through innovative AI solutions. This scholarship program seeks candidates who meet specific eligibility criteria and aims to empower them to make a positive impact in one of the scholarship’s three focus areas: deploying AI technologies for sustainable construction, employing AI solutions for urban resilience, and ensuring the responsible deployment of artificial intelligence in urban development.

To be eligible for the AI for Urban Development Scholarship, candidates must fulfill the following criteria:

1. Age Requirement: Candidates must be aged between 18 and 30 years old, aligning with the program’s focus on nurturing young leaders who possess the drive and potential to contribute significantly to urban development initiatives.

2. Positive Impact: Candidates should demonstrate a commitment to making a positive impact in at least one of the scholarship’s three focus areas. This could involve implementing AI technologies to enhance sustainability in construction practices, leveraging AI solutions to enhance urban resilience against various challenges, or advocating for the responsible deployment of AI in urban development to ensure ethical and equitable outcomes

Selected scholars will receive a comprehensive package of benefits designed to support their participation in the One Young World Summit 2024, which will be held in Montréal, Canada.

The benefits include:

1. Access to Summit: Scholars will have the invaluable opportunity to attend the One Young World Summit 2024, a premier global forum that convenes young leaders from around the world to address pressing global issues and drive positive change. The summit, scheduled to take place from 18th to 21st September, offers a platform for networking, learning, and collaboration.

2. Accommodation: Scholars will be provided with hotel accommodation in Montréal from 17th to 22nd October, ensuring their comfort and convenience throughout their stay in the host city.

3. Travel Assistance: The scholarship covers travel expenses to and from Montréal, with scholars traveling in the economy class. This ensures that financial constraints do not hinder the participation of deserving candidates in the summit.

4. Meal Coverage: All meals, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner on conference days, will be covered for scholars during their participation in the summit. This ensures that scholars can focus on engaging in discussions and activities without worrying about their meal expenses

.5. Ground Transport: Ground transport required between the summit accommodation and the summit venue will be arranged for scholars, ensuring seamless logistical support throughout the event.

6. Pre-programme Activities: Scholars will have the opportunity to participate in pre-programme activities in Montréal, providing them with additional networking opportunities, insights into local initiatives, and preparation for active engagement in the summit.


The AI for Urban Development Scholarship offers a unique opportunity for young leaders committed to leveraging AI for sustainable urban development to enhance their skills, expand their networks, and contribute meaningfully to global efforts towards building inclusive and resilient cities of the future. Through its comprehensive benefits package, the scholarship aims to empower and support deserving candidates in their journey towards driving positive change in urban communities worldwide.Scholars participating in the One Young World Summit 2024 Summit Building Tomorrow Scholarship will not only gain valuable insights but also have the chance to integrate into the Holcim community.

This opportunity offers them a platform to expand their network and connect with like-minded individuals dedicated to making positive changes. Holcim pledges to provide continuous support and mentorship to scholars, ensuring their engagement and growth during the summit and beyond. By joining the Holcim community, scholars can access resources, guidance, and opportunities to further their initiatives and impact.

Application Deadline: 7 April 2024

For further details and to apply for the scholarship, interested individuals can visit the official webpage of the One Young World Summit 2024 Summit Building Tomorrow Scholarship.

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