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Matsumae (MIF) Fellowship 2025 in Japan (Fully Funded)

Matsumae (MIF) Fellowship 2025

About the Matsumae (MIF) Fellowship 2025

Applications are now open for the Matsumae (MIF) Fellowship 2025. The Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) Fellowship 2025 provides an opportunity for PhD holders to conduct research in Japan in their fields. Whether pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree, Japan is a great destination for students. Although recipients of fellowships can work in any field, applicants in the natural sciences, engineering, and medical fields will be given preference. The Matsumae (MIF) Fellowship 2025 lasts for six months.

This is a special opportunity for all PhD holders to work with amazing fellows and conduct research in Japan in a pleasant setting. Take a research period to visit Japan. The MIF fellowship will pay for all of the costs, including airfare, lodging, meals, and a monthly stipend for living expenses. In order to close the gap and serve as a conduit between Japan and other nations, Dr. Matsumae established the MIF in 1979. The organization brings together bright young scientists from around the world to undertake research and offer solutions about their respective homelands. 

For 2025, the MIF will choose fifteen applicants. Throughout its 42-year existence, the MIF has invited over 850 researchers from 120 different countries and regions to Japan.

Benefits of the Matsumae (MIF) Fellowship 2025

  • A monthly allowance of JPY 220,000 is provided to cover expenses.
  • An arrival fund of JPY 120,000 is provided.
  • Round-trip economy class airfare is provided.
  • Overseas travel insurance with medical treatment.

Eligibility Criteria

  • An applicant must hold a Ph.D. degree at the time of application.
  • Applicants must obtain an acceptance letter from the host institution.
  • Applicants must be 45 years old or younger at the application deadline.
  • Similarly, an applicant must not have previously worked in Japan.

Host Institution Selection in Japan

When exploring potential academic institutions or lecturers in Japan for collaboration, candidates are encouraged to conduct thorough research to identify the most suitable options aligned with their academic interests and goals. This process involves delving into the offerings of various universities, colleges, and research facilities across Japan to determine the ones that specialize in their particular field or area of study.

Candidates should leverage online resources, such as university websites, academic databases, and research publications, to gather information about potential collaborators, including faculty members, research groups, and academic departments. This comprehensive approach enables candidates to identify institutions and individuals whose research interests and expertise closely align with their own, thereby laying the foundation for productive collaborations.

Also, candidates should not hesitate to reach out to academic institutions or individual lecturers, even if they are unsure about their interest in collaboration. Initiating contact with potential collaborators demonstrates proactive engagement and a genuine interest in establishing meaningful academic partnerships. This proactive approach may involve sending introductory emails or letters expressing interest in collaboration, outlining the candidate’s research background, interests, and objectives, and proposing potential areas of collaboration or research projects.

If you cast a wide net and approach various academic institutions and lecturers in Japan, you can maximize your chances of finding suitable collaborators and opportunities for academic advancement and research collaboration. This proactive and detailed approach ensures that you can identify and engage with the most relevant and promising avenues for academic collaboration and research partnerships in Japan.

Required Documents

  • Research plan 
  • Application Form
  • Reason for an application why you are interested.
  • Soft copy of publications
  • CV and list of publications
  • Recommendation letter from employer
  • Soft copies of academic transcript and diploma/degree
  • Invitation letter from a Host Japanese professor or scholar 

How to Apply 

Note that the deadline for applications is June 30, 2024. Online applications are not accepted. All applicants must email their application and supporting materials. Take note of the following details of the application process:.

  • The applicant should send the application documents by email at
  • The results will be announced on the MIF website in Late November 2024.
  • Applicants will get a letter of selection.
  • Do not combine the documents.
  • The size should be more than 10 MBs.

Interested candidates are advised to go to the official announcement page to get more information before beginning their applications.

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