20240227 110253 0000 - Youth Advisory Council 2024 (Fully funded to USA)

Youth Advisory Council 2024 (Fully funded to USA)

More about the Youth Advisory Council


PERIOD. stands as a beacon of empowerment, a youth-driven nonprofit on a mission to combat period poverty and dismantle the stigma surrounding menstruation. Through a multifaceted approach encompassing service, education, and advocacy, PERIOD. empowers young individuals to take charge in eradicating the barriers posed by period poverty. By distributing menstrual products, nurturing youth leadership, and advocating for menstrual equity in policy, PERIOD. endeavors to uplift those disproportionately impacted by period poverty and bolster local initiatives striving for menstrual equity. Delve deeper into the essence of PERIOD. by exploring our informative video and visiting our website at period.org.

What is the Youth Advisory Council (YAC) at PERIOD.?

The Youth Advisory Council stands as a pivotal youth governance body entrusted with fortifying the endeavors of PERIOD. by offering valuable insights and guidance to shape the organization’s programs and strategies. With a core focus on issues of racial justice, inclusion, and amplifying youth voices, the Council plays a vital role in steering the trajectory of PERIOD.’s initiatives. While the locus of program decisions predominantly pertains to U.S. partnerships, the implications often reverberate across our global network.

Comprising 8-12 passionate youth activists between the ages of 14 and 25, the Council convenes bi-monthly to grapple with pivotal questions and furnish strategic counsel to PERIOD.’s staff and Board of Directors. Serving as the voice of PERIOD.’s youth activists, Council members ensure that the diverse array of youth perspectives are not only heard but also integrated into the organization’s decision-making processes and program frameworks. Members of the YAC also enjoy opportunities for media appearances, participation in statewide and national coalitions, and engagement in discussions pertaining to menstrual equity as requested by members of the PERIOD. community or partner organizations.

The Council’s internal operations involve the democratic selection of key positions such as the YAC Chair, Vice Chair, and YAC Secretary, along with the appointment of two members to serve on the PERIOD. Board of Directors. Committing to a two-year term spanning from 2024 to 2026, members are expected to actively participate in bi-monthly virtual council meetings, each lasting approximately 2 hours. Stipends are provided to members for their attendance at these meetings, typically amounting to $75 per bi-monthly session.


Applicants must be aged between 14 and 24 by July 1st, 2024.
Residency in the United States is a prerequisite.
Demonstrated ability to foster respectful relationships across diverse backgrounds.
Exhibits traits of self-accountability, sets high standards, works autonomously as well as collaboratively, and aligns tasks with organizational values.
A strong commitment to advancing PERIOD.’s mission and values, coupled with a demonstrable desire for the organization’s growth and success.
Showcases leadership qualities encompassing communication, integrity, accountability, empathy, resilience, vision, positivity, delegation, confidence, and a dedication to ending period poverty.


Application Deadline: March 25, 2024
Applicant Status Notification: June 21, 2024
Submit your application via the 2024 YAC Application Link (https://periodpower.typeform.com/to/rfugA7CV)

2024-26 YAC Application Questions:

The 2024 YAC Application entails the submission of the following materials:

A 1-page resume highlighting your involvement or achievements in menstrual equity initiatives.
Responses to 5 short written questions.
A brief video submission under two minutes in duration. Refer to the instructions provided below.

Kindly upload your resume, video, and written responses to the 2024 Application Form. Ensure your resume and written responses are saved in separate Word documents for upload, or alternatively, you may email your application materials to Stacey Johnson, the 2024 YAC Chair, at stacey@period.org upon completion of the Application Form. For further details, please visit:

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