Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships 2023 For International Students | Study-In-UK

Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships 2023 For International Students | Study-In-UK

Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships enable talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development, and are aimed at those who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK.

They offer PhD scholars studying at eligible universities across the Commonwealth the opportunity to conduct research at an institute in the UK for 12 months.

Scholarship Summary

  • Host Country: United Kingdom (UK)
  • Study Abroad: Study in UK
  • Eligible Countries: Commonwealth Nations
  • Reward: Full Scholarship | £1,516 per month Stipends | Family Allowance

Scholarship Details:

Purpose: To widen access to UK equipment and expertise for high quality doctoral candidates from low- and middle-income Commonwealth countries, and to contribute to UK and Commonwealth higher education and research through collaboration and partnerships.

Intended beneficiaries: High-quality graduates whose proposed research has a developmental focus and who have the potential to become influential teachers or researchers in their home countries.

Scholarship Requirements:

To apply for these Scholarships, prospective Scholars must:

  • Be a citizen of or have a refugee permit by an eligible Commonwealth country, or have British Protection
  • Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country
  • Be registered for a PhD at a university in an eligible Commonwealth country by the time your Scholarship starts (September 2023)
  • Ensure that an institutional or departmental link exists between your home university and your proposed UK university. This link must be greater than simply a collaboration between individuals – see section on ‘Tenure and placement’ for further details. Both supervisors must provide a supporting statement which provides further details of the link to ensure your application is eligible.
  • Be available to start your academic studies in the UK in September 2023
  • By September 2023, hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honors standard, or a lower second class degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree)
  • Be unable to afford to study in the UK without this Scholarship

Scholarship Duration and Reward

Each Scholarship provides:

  • Approved airfare from your home country to the UK and return at the end of your award. Note: the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependants, nor the cost of journeys made before your award is confirmed
  • The CSC and the UK university covers full fees. Also, scholars are not liable to pay for any part of the tuition fee
  • Living allowance at the rate of £1,236 per month. Also,  for those at universities in the London metropolitan area they will receive £1,516 per month
  • Warm clothing allowance, where applicable
  • Study travel grant towards the cost of study-related travel within the UK or overseas
  • If you are widowed, divorced, or a single parent, child allowance of £529 per month for the first child, and £131 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if you are accompanied by your children and they are living with you at the same address in the UK

Selection Process

Applications will receive consideration according to the following selection criteria:

  • Academic merit of the candidate
  • Quality of the plan of study
  • Potential impact on the development of the candidate’s home country

Method of Application

Applications for Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships for the 2023/24 academic year are now open.

The closing date for applications, including all supporting documentation, is 2 March 2023 at 16:00 GMT.

Applications must be made using the CSC’s online application system.


Candidates must apply to study at a UK university which has a part funding agreement with the CSC. Part funding agreements are at the discretion of individual universities. For a list of universities that have agreed to part fund Commonwealth Scholarships, visit the UK universities with part funding agreements page on the CSC website.

Candidates are to complete and submit applications as early as possible, as the online application system will be very busy in the days leading up to the application deadline.

Application Deadline
Applicants are to successfully submit applications before the Deadline: March 2, 2023

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