
Rhodes Oxford University scholarship

Rhodes Oxford University scholarship

This is an opportunity to be fully funded to study at the highest rated University in the World. This offer of scholarship opportunity is open to aspiring postgraduate students from anywhere in the world.

The Rhodes scholarship offers bright students the opportunity to study at the Oxford University for two years study programmes. The scholarships cover all tuition fees and a living allowance for the period the postgraduates’ studies at the Oxford.

Oxford university is one of the is one the oldest university in the United Kingdom, one of the top ranked leading universities in the world founded in 1096 at Oxford, UK. School feels to study at Oxford is only affordable by the rich. To study at the oxford university as a power or average income citizen it must be through scholarships and there are a lot of scholarships that can take you to oxford.

Rhodes Scholars for oxford studies are selected from all over the nation to pursue a course of at Oxford; students may work toward a master’s degree or a second bachelor’s degree.

Intellectual and academic achievement of a high standard is the first quality required of applicants, but they will also be required to show integrity of character, interest in and respect for their fellow beings, the ability to lead, and the energy to use their talents to the full. The Rhodes scholarship program especially seeks to select individuals who possess remarkable leadership experience.

Basis of Selection for the Rhodes Oxford University scholarship

“Quality of both character and intellect is the important requirement for a Rhodes Scholarship.”
Cecil Rhodes hoped that the Scholar “….would come to esteem the performance of public duties as the highest aim.”
These are among the qualities sought by the Selection Committees: scholastic ability and achievements, courage and strength of character, leadership ability, unselfishness, interest in one’s contemporaries, and physical vigour. Race, religion, and need are not factors.

Eligibility for the Rhodes Oxford University scholarship

At the time of application:

An applicant must be a citizen of the United States; pending application for citizenship does not qualify a person to apply.

An applicant must, by October 1, 2022, be at least 18 but not yet 24 years of age.

An applicant must have achieved academic standing sufficiently advanced to assure completion of a bachelor’s degree before October 1, 2022.

In the opinion of the Rhodes Trust, an applicant should have the academic background and accomplishment to be admitted into top graduate programs whether in the US or UK. While not stated specifically, a GPA of 3.9 or above is strongly recommended.

Period of Study for the Rhodes Oxford University scholarship

Subject to the consent of their colleges, Scholars may read for the Oxford B.A. in any of the Final Honour Schools or, with the consent of their colleges and the relevant faculty, they may be admitted, if qualified by previous training, to read for a higher degree such as the B.Phil., M.Phil., M.Litt., M.Sc. by Research, or D.Phil. All proposals must include two-year programs.  Please refer to the Rhodes website with regards to eligible degree programs.

Special Considerations

All GW Rhodes nominees are also eligible to be considered for the George Washington  .B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Scholarship to the University of Oxford.


The stipend of a Rhodes Scholarship consists of a direct payment to the Scholar’s college of all tuition fees (such as matriculation, tuition, laboratory fees, and certain other set charges), plus a maintenance allowance of not less than 735 pounds per month paid directly to the Scholar in instalments during the term of the Scholarship. Although a Rhodes Scholar may be married, no allowance is made for the spouse’s expenses.

Application for the Rhodes Oxford University scholarship

The Rhodes Trust has recently and fundamentally revised its instructions to prospective applicants and nominating universities.

Beginning with the 2014 application cycle, all applicants must add the following statement at the conclusion of their personal statement and before their signature:

“I attest that this personal statement is my own work and is wholly truthful. Neither it nor any earlier draft has been edited by anyone other than me, nor has anyone else reviewed it to provide me with suggestions to improve it. I understand that any such editing or review would disqualify my application.”

Likewise, all nominating officials will need to affirm:

“I am knowledgeable regarding the institutional practices of [name of institution] in connection with applications for the Rhodes Scholarship. To the best of my knowledge and belief, [name of institution] has provided no editorial review of the applicant’s [or applicant’s name] personal statement.”

Consequently, GW’s Endorsement Process for Rhodes scholarship is revised as well in order to minimize any possible conflicts with the Rhodes scholarship’s recent changes.

For more details and application SEE OFFICIAL APPLICATION WEBSITE HERE

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