20220924 153409 - List of USA Universities to study for free for Foreign Students (Degree, Masters, PhD)

List of USA Universities to study for free for Foreign Students (Degree, Masters, PhD)

There are several numbers of Top ranked universities in the United States of America that the foreign students just like the American citizens can study their choice of courses for free.

This opportunity is for undergraduate students of local and foreign students, Masters’s students, PhD students and all other academic Programmes.

If you ever wished to study free in the United States of America Universities, both have not been opportuned to get Fully Funded Scholarship these tuition free Universities has made it very possible to actualise your dream to study in the United States of America for free

The United States of America have several Universities and Colleges that do not charge tuition fees for both the national of the United States of America and International students.

In this post we would list these Universities for you in detail and some more about those universities regarding their their Fee charges, Schedules, admissions etc. so that If you ever could not get a chance of a Fully Funded Scholarship in USA you can deep down and take advantage of the free Tuition Universities in the United States of America

For the tuition free Universities in the United States of America, there are many field of Studies and Courses that are available for students to take.

However, students are advised to visit the university of choice to learn the available Courses for incoming students and also learn whether there are hidden fees for certain courses. Some courses may require students to pay fees before they can be able to to take the said courses while some courses may require no fee or any kind.

Usually, for Law, Medicine, Engineering and other high professional courses you may be required to pay fees to take them. The reason is that a lot of resources are required to execute or teach students the courses, resources such as scientifical equipment, experimental tools, and some others things that may require funds.

Some Courses are practically simple and students are encouraged to take those courses as they would be impacted at the end of their academic years

The list of USA Public Universities to study for free for Foreign Students

The Webb Institute

The Webb Institute is located at the Glen Cove, in Island of New York City, the Institute is offering Engineering Courses to undergraduate students

The Webb Institute is ranked one of the best in the United States of America offering enormous Value to both locals and foreign students.

The Webb Institute is also recognized for providing a high quality education and full tuition free as a way of scholarships to students of the Institute

For accommodation in the Webb Institute for students, Students of the Institute are expected to live in the school accommodation provided by the Institute, students may be required to pay to be accommodated in the Webb Institute provided spaces, on the the other hand students may not be required to pay.

Please we encourage you make further research regarding accommodation on the Webb Institute portal

Internship for students of Webb Institute

Students are placed on paid internship position

The College of the Ozarks

The College of the Ozarks has aseveral courses in Engineering, Science and Arts fields, this is good and accommodates more students of different field of Studies unlike Webb Institute

The College of Ozarks Alos offers educational majors in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science programs. These are the listed majors in education; Teaching, Business, Criminal justice etc.

Another benefit of studying at the College of Ozarks is that students may opt for part study for their choose courses

The Curtis Institute of Music, USA

The Curtis Institute of Music is as the the name sound School of music for musicians who are interested in studying music in a specialized music Institution.

The Curtis Institute of Music is offering diploma in music studies, a bachelor’s degree in music, a master’s degree in music opera and also a certificate of professional studies in opera. Admitted students undertake their Programmes completely free.

The City University of New York (CUNY).

This is one of the top rated Universities in the United States of America and the world that made this list.

Other Schools are top ranked but the City University of New York is more broad in academic studies, a very good number of courses. However, several of the courses are paid for while some are to be studied for free.

The City University of New York is one of the most popular Universities in the United States which was founded in the year 1961,

The City University of New York’s 24 campuses are located in different part of the United States of America with:

Eleven senior colleges

Seven community colleges

Undergraduate honors university

7 postgraduate Institutes

The City University of New York also offers fully funded scholarships to students who take admission in the school and Students after completing their degree are qualified to get a job full-time in university

The U.S. Academies

The U.S academies is something educationally unique about the United States of America

The United States of America has 5 U.S Academies which are listed below and all free to study:

U.S. Military Academy,

U.S. Air Force Academy,

U.S. Naval Academy,

U.S. Coast Guard Academy

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

Admitted Students of the any of the U.S Academies undertake studies completely free, with no hidden charges and something more interesting is that Monthly stipend are provided for students of the U.S Academies.

To study at the anyone of the U.S academies listed above, aspirants must choose a course and review the criteria as every courses in the academy has perculiar criterias.

The State of Washington Universities

Another top ranked and popular University in the United States of America that is making this list is the state of Washington university. This University has several Colleges which we have listed below

All the Colleges inside Washington University are tuition free. However some may charge fees based on the course selected. The fee however is usually very minimal

You can study free at the colleges as a citizen of Washington DC and international students who meet it with requirements set for the international students desirous of studying at the University.

The Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering

Franklin W.Olin College of Engineering is located at Massachusetts and focusing on Engineering studies for undergraduate engineering students. You are encouraged to research more about the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering to learn whether their free Tuition Free is still stands

The Deep Springs College

The Deep Springs College has less than 30 students per study and considered as the university that is one of the smallest institutions of higher education in the United States of America

Most of the students from Deep Springs College later will transfer to a four-year institution where they will be required to complete their bachelor’s degree.

The Kentucky Berea College

Berea College distinguishes itself from other postsecondary institutions by offering free education to students.

Every student who attends Kentucky’s Berea College gets to obtain a full-tuition scholarship worth more than $25,000.

Students of the Berea college also get supports with other costs, ranging from, food, room, and board, by giving a work-study program.

The Alice Lloyd College

Alice Lloyd College is a four-year liberal arts university located in Pippa Passes, Kentucky, United States.

Alicia Lloyd College offers the opportunity to different majors in a range of subjects. Typically, the most popular majors are business, manufacturing, family studies, and human development.


It’s a dream of every serious student to study at top ranked University and to study at the world number education country, the United States of America. Here is an opportunity to achieve your dream of moving to the United States of America and also to pursue an academic journey in the United States of America.

These listed Universities may sound uninteresting to you because there are not the Harvard university, Cambridge university or the Massachusetts Institute or the University of Washington that you you have heard so much about. These Universities listed here are worth it when you find yourself studying in one of them. They are listed as follows and you can click on the name to proceed to the Institution of your choice


The Webb Institute

The College of Ozarks

The Curtis Institute of Music

The City University of New York (CUNY)

The U.S. Academies

The State of Washington Universities

The Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering

The Deep Springs College

The Berea College

The Alice Lloyd College

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Norway Public Universities that are free without IELTS.(No tuition fees no application fee).

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4 thoughts on “List of USA Universities to study for free for Foreign Students (Degree, Masters, PhD)”

  1. Amuzienwa mar]Jane

    Iam very much interested in getting to know more of the schools that offer scholarships and How to apply to it.

  2. This is really a great opportunity to work with. I did not know that there still some universities in the world that are good and doing great things. Looking for an opportunity to study in one of them.

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