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United Nations Free Online Courses with free Certificates

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United Nations Free Online Courses with free Certificates

Take United Nations Free Online Courses with free Certificates to improve in your knowledge and add little bit weight to your Resume take one or more of these United Nations Free Online Courses. The Courses are completely free and you stand to get worldwide recognized Certificate upon completion of a course.
The Courses are are 100 percent online based and free for all interested persons all over the world.

More About UN

United Nations is a world International Organization that was co-founded by different countries of the world in the year 1945. The United Nations is Worldwide and Presently has more than 192 Member Countries.

The United Nations is governed by its Charter which guilds its mission and many works in several countries of the world

The Mission of the United Nations is to maintain peaceful existence of all citizens and countries of the world, World security. The organization is working to develop good standing relationships among countries and strengthening cooperation and collaboration among countries.

In one the organization’s International work, it has partnered with different organizations to develop free short courses to be taken online in different languages known world all over. The courses are self paced, meaning it can be taken on your schedules.

The Courses are offered and can be taken in these platforms as follows:

1. WHO free Online Courses with Recognized and verified Certificate

The WHO is one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations that is responsible for Public Health internationally. To take free course on from this agency, follow the below course link to enrol. There are over 6 million all over the world that has already enrol on this course. You get a free verified Certificate upon completion.

Courses from this agency is limited to health only, some of the courses are related to: Infection Prevention, Covid19, Ebola, Risk Communication and a lot more

To take this course follow the official Course Platform

2. WBG Online based free course.

The world Bank free online course is open to all to have access to, you may or may not be entitled to a certificate upon completion, however the course is completely free and self-paced. Course from the World Bank Group is focused on technology, Leadership etc.
To take the courses, visit the official wbg academy centre.

3. UNICEF free online courses

Upon completion of the courses you are entitled to free and verified Course certificate.
The United Nations Children’s Fund is one of the the United Nations existing agency that has the mission to better and develop and administer humanitarian and developmental aid to children all over the world.

The UNICEF is offering free online courses of more than 100 to people all over the world.

The United Nations Children’s Fund is a United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. to take one of theses courses, follow this official course platform

4. International Monetary Fund Online Free Course.
International Monetary Fund is also United Nations agency focusing world Finance and financial Assistance.

This course is completely free and online. To be taken at self-paced meaning at your own schedule. The International Monetary Fund is an organization and is currently receiving monetary support from the Japan to strengthen its online platform.

The online Courses are completely free however, you are not automatically qualified for Certificate upon completion. To get a Certificate upon completion you are required to pay a prescribed sum .

Good news is that provided you take the course through edX learning platform, you would be entitled to 90 percent discount offered by edX on a verified Certificates. You would be required to pay financial support application form on edX website

To being this course visit the course portal

5. Ivy League, University of Pennsylvania Social Change, Social Norms Free Courses offered by UNICEF.

The Courses in this category are complete free and online. The courses are focused on Human Rights, Sanitation Practices, Gender Violence etc.

The courses in this category are available in English language alone. It is when started to be completed in 4 weeks. All the courses in this category must be completed within 4 weeks of commencement. Interested in this Courses, enrol for free at the Official Learninh platform

6. University of London designed free Courses sponsored by United Nations.

This Free Courses is designed by the University of London based on the United nation’s structures. This courses introduces you to the United Nations existtence and system. This ranges from the United Nations Functions, United Nations Themes, United Nations Security Council and other United Nations Bodies.

More on the courses, you will learn about human rights in the world as the rights relate to international politics and discuss how the United Nations responds to world crises
To take this course, visit the official course platform to begin your enrollment for free.

7. University of Geneva, The IOM free online Course.

This particular course would be of an immense benefits to anyone who is finding career opportunities in International Organisations such like, the United Nations, The African Union The OSCE, The European Union and the rest. This course is offered by the University of Geneva on Coursera academic platform. You will gain invaluable insight on the structures and working of the International Organisations in the world, the many challenges these organisations face. You will get to know the how to form or carry effective management of organisation, the workable tools and certain success and growth principles . To begin this course visit the course platform here 

8. Free Course on Changing Global Order.

To learn more about Global peace and order you will need to take this free course sponsored by the United Nations and offered by the University of Leiden. The United Nations through its agency developed this course to be taken for for free by anyone from any part of the world.

In the Course, you will learn certain Organisation’s Limits and capacities as the regarding to putting am end to and preventing violent, and other related problems
Follow the official Course platform to begin this course

9. Course on the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.

This course focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is offered by the University of Copenhagen. The United Nations Development Goals which was launched by that United Nations in 2015 is aimed at developing and supporting humanitarian sustainable development. If you are taking this course, you will learn the sustainable development goals related systems that are aimed at supporting humanity. This focuses on Climate and several other related issues affecting humanity globally. To begin this course , visit the Official course platform here 

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    I”m very much interested to take various courses on human rights and financial matters under IMF.Thus, I would like to be up to date about the avdilability of the courses in future though right now the time is not convenient to me pursue any course. If possible, I will list my email so as to be abreast of the current imformation.

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