png 20240918 161510 0000 - WAAW Foundation Undergraduate STEM Scholarship 2025 for Young African Women: Apply Now!

WAAW Foundation Undergraduate STEM Scholarship 2025 for Young African Women: Apply Now!

WAAW Foundation Undergraduate STEM Scholarship 2025

About the WAAW Foundation Undergraduate STEM Scholarship 2025

The Working to Advance African Women (WAAW) Foundation is pleased to announce the 2025 undergraduate STEM scholarship program. This initiative offers $500 per year to female African students who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate program at a recognized University, College, or higher learning institution in Africa. 

These scholarships are based on financial need and are aimed at empowering young African women pursuing degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. By encouraging more women to participate in STEM disciplines, WAAW seeks to increase the pipeline of African female talent and foster innovation across the continent.

Scholarships are renewable annually, provided that the student maintains academic excellence and continues to demonstrate financial need.

Eligible Fields of Study

The WAAW Foundation scholarships are available for students enrolled in the following STEM-related courses at any university or college in Africa:

1. Engineering: All fields of engineering, including civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, etc.

2. Computer Science: Courses related to programming, software development, data science, and IT.

3. Science & Mathematics: Including industrial chemistry, environmental sciences, physics, mathematics, and similar fields.

4. Medical Sciences: Only non-core medical fields such as pharmacy, biomedical sciences, biochemistry, and zoology.

5. Other STEM-Related Disciplines: Including agriculture, statistics, geography, etc.

Courses Not Eligible:

  • Core medical courses (e.g., Medicine and Surgery, Nursing).
  • Social science disciplines.
  • Arts and humanities courses.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the WAAW Foundation Undergraduate STEM Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

1. Female of African Origin: Applicants must be female students who are African by birth or nationality.

2. Studying in Africa: The applicant must be living and studying in an accredited African university or college.

3. STEM Courses Only: Students must be enrolled in a BSc. degree program in a STEM-related field.

4. Undergraduate Status: Applicants must currently be enrolled in their first or second year of study. Students in their third year may apply if they are pursuing a five-year program.

5. Financial Need: Applicants must demonstrate a clear financial need.

6. Strong Academic Record: Applicants must have an excellent academic history.

7. Age Limit: Applicants must be below the age of 32 years.

8. Leadership and Community Involvement: Applicants must show leadership potential and have experience in volunteering or community service.

Note: WAAW Foundation does not fund:

  • Graduate (Master’s, MBA, or Ph.D.) programs.
  • Second or subsequent degrees.
  • Students older than 32 years.
  • Non-STEM courses or diploma programs.

Benefits of the Scholarship 

Successful applicants will receive a scholarship amount of $500 for the academic year, or its equivalent in local currency. The scholarship may be renewed annually based on the recipient’s academic performance.

In addition, scholarship recipients will be required to start a STEM Outreach Chapter at their respective universities, as part of WAAW’s broader effort to promote STEM education and leadership across Africa.

How to Apply

Interested candidates should submit their application via the online form, which includes the following components:

1. Personal and Contact Information: Including name, address, email, etc.

2. Educational and Family Background: Details about the applicant’s academic journey and family situation.

3. Statement of Financial Need: Applicants must describe their financial need and explain how they will use the scholarship funds if awarded.

4. Essay Questions: The application includes several essay prompts to assess the applicant’s career goals, leadership potential, and commitment to STEM. Applicants must also provide an essay on their proudest achievement (500 words max).

5. References: Applicants must provide the names of two academic or professional references. One reference must be from a professor or academic supervisor at the applicant’s institution. 

Documents Required (for Shortlisted Candidates)

If shortlisted, applicants will need to submit the following documents:

1. Two Academic/Professional References: One reference must be written by a professor, and the other from an academic supervisor or mentor.

2. Official Transcript: A signed and sealed transcript from the student’s current university.

3. Student Identity Card: A copy of the student’s university ID card.

These documents must be submitted electronically to

Applications must be submitted by the deadline specified on the WAAW Foundation website. For any inquiries regarding the application process, please visit the FAQ page or contact the scholarship team via email at:

See also:

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