png 20240909 144807 0000 - The Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Scholarship in Canada 2025: Apply Now!

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Scholarship in Canada 2025: Apply Now!

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Scholarship

About the Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Scholarship 2025

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship is a prestigious program designed to support and foster the development of outstanding doctoral students. More than just a financial award, the scholarship creates a transformative community for scholars across diverse disciplines and backgrounds who share a commitment to making a positive impact both in Canada and on the global stage. 

This scholarship is an incredible opportunity for individuals seeking not only funding but also personal and academic growth through collaboration, leadership development, and community engagement.

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is committed to shaping future leaders who can engage in innovative thinking, address complex societal challenges, and contribute to the betterment of society. Scholars join a vibrant network of individuals dedicated to improving human rights, citizenship, environmental sustainability, and global relationships.

Eligibility Criteria 

To qualify for the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship, applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Doctoral Program: Applicants must be registered or accepted into a full-time doctoral program in their first or second year of study.
  • Field of Study: The candidate’s doctoral research must be related to the humanities, social sciences, or human sciences, with a focus that directly aligns with Canada’s future development.
  • Areas of Focus: Applicants must be conducting research that falls under one or more of the Foundation’s four key themes:
  • Human Rights and Dignity
  • Responsible Citizenship
  • Canada and the World
  • People and Their Natural Environment
  • Eligibility:
  • Canadian citizens studying at Canadian or international institutions
  • Permanent residents of Canada
  • International students enrolled in a doctoral program at a Canadian university

Selection Criteria

The selection process for the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Scholarship is rigorous, with the Foundation looking for candidates who demonstrate excellence in several key areas:

  • Academic Excellence and Intellectual Curiosity: Scholars must exhibit a strong academic record, demonstrated through grades, research publications, conference presentations, and a clear dedication to the pursuit of research excellence.
  • Commitment to Diversity and Pluralism: Applicants should have a willingness to engage with diverse perspectives and demonstrate the ability to collaborate across differences in opinions, ideologies, and cultural backgrounds.
  • Leadership and Civic Engagement: Successful candidates are expected to have a history of leadership, both within academia and beyond, through involvement in organizations, initiatives, or activities that have the potential for societal impact.
  • Community Participation: Recipients must be committed to actively participating in the Foundation’s activities, such as attending conferences, workshops, and seminars.
  • Core Values: A demonstrated commitment to integrity and a willingness to improve language capacities in both of Canada’s official languages, English and French.

Benefits of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Scholarship

This scholarship provides a unique opportunity for doctoral students to advance their academic and professional development. Benefits include:

  • Financial Support: The scholarship offers substantial funding to cover tuition fees, research costs, and living expenses for up to three years.
  • Leadership Training: Scholars have access to leadership development programs designed to help them grow personally and professionally.
  • Networking Opportunities: Scholars become part of a vast network of like-minded individuals, including leaders in various fields, academics, and public figures who are dedicated to improving the world.
  • Mentorship: Scholars benefit from personalized mentorship provided by leaders within the Foundation’s community.

How to Apply

To apply for the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship, follow these steps:

  • Register for an Account: Once the competition opens, create an account on the Foundation’s application portal. If you’ve applied before, you can use your existing login credentials.
  • Complete the Application: Answer all the required questions and provide the necessary details in the online application form.
  • Submit References: Applicants must provide letters of reference from academic and professional contacts. Be sure to submit these by the deadline of November 20, 2024.
  • Information Sessions
  • The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation will host virtual information sessions to help applicants understand the application process and expectations. These sessions will be held on the following dates:

October 10, 2024 – For applicants (in English)

October 22, 2024 – For applicants (in French)

To learn more about the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship, including detailed eligibility requirements and application instructions, visit the official Foundation website by clicking the link below.

See also:

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