Great opportunity for Youth, all countries are eligible to apply for this opportunity. Youth who are interested in being advocate on the on going fellowship program
This rare opportunity is for young leaders who demonstrate leadership and communication skills in advocacy for “Climate Education” will get fellowships up to INR 5 Lack
The Youth Fellowship is a continuous ongoing program. One can apply anytime and start from anytime based on schedule and it’s 100 percent remote program, you can apply online without any geographical location.
This is an opportunity to learn Climate Advocacy and world-class knowledge in climate change and sustainable development, including a certificate, extensive training for Fellowship and personal development plan.
An Opportunity to develop global leadership skills and outreach. explore network of inspired young leaders from the globe.
If you are passionate about addressing climate change, committed to making a difference at the community level. and want an exceptional opportunity to develop real-world skills to build a career in the environmental sustainability field. then Global Youth Climate Fellowship Program is the best opportunity for you.
Benefits For the Fellows
Improve your communication skills
Improve your networking skills
Improve your leadership skills
Improve your digital marketing skills
and become a part of a global network of Global Youth Climate Advocates
This program is open to all nations, anyone with basic English knowledge and computer skills can apply for this fellow ship program no disqualification on the basis of age, race, gender accent challenge etc..
To apply follow the official website of the Organization to apply
For application and more information Visit the Official website
I am an undergraduate student pursuing bachelor of arts international relations and diplomacy, this opportunity would really help me alot in my career programme if I will be given the opportunity thank you
I advocate climate change, I would like to join other individuals who advocate climate change.
I will be honoured to be part and parcel of this movement cause that is what I do in my community
Thank you for contacting Ackson Thundu human rights defender, climate change advocate, and champion of change for SGBV, social worker, ethic and professional service provider, content creator, community journalist.
Volunteering is at the core of my objective. And i will really love to be a part of this Global movement.
I will like to be a part of this program
I am very much interested in joining the program.
Hello am Joseph can I help me to work
It will be an honour joining this team
Interested please
I am interested in the Global Youth Fellowship Training
I am a student of veterinary medicine and I’m interested in climatic studies and to meet new people with leadership skills from around the globe… .
I am very interested and would appreciate any further information given
i am an advocate of climate change, i will like to spread the world
I am an advocate for climate change . I am interested in joining the program . Can adults enroll?